“…don’t mistake short term for long term. Let the money come to you”.

This must be the clause I’ve been waiting for a long time. I’ve been confused and all over the place. Thanks to the system I put in place, whenever I’m confused and not stable on anything, I switch to a minimum effort mode to ensure I don’t fall over completely and at least can have a safe landing when I’m back. I’ve been surviving on minimum effort for a few years say 3 now.

What is this? Who am I? Do I like this guy (the main character, can’t really remeber his name)? I just knew I have something to do with his lifestyle, the skill immaterial. Engineering or not, I just knew I had to live by knowledge and discovering new things. That’s where the desire of science came in. Of course, I’ve been into philosophy for a long time now but I see science as a field just like almost or all every sphere of life. Philosophy is just loving knowledge anyways.
That aside, I just knew I had to live by figuring out, I enjoyed it. Of course, as a kid, I decided to be into robotics just as the movie. I just felt it was so interesting. However, I never explored my polyphilic nature and the fact that I am actually interested in every field. I was always doing everything but anytime questioned, I just said robotics, mechatronics, etc.
I found myself in Obafemi Awolowo University with this life style and I’m currently a second level out of five student learning computer engineering.

Quick detour there, I just wanted to give a sort of intro. A curtain lifting into my abode. Trust me, you’ve seen nothing much. Got into school but not with a push at all. I made the decision based on the desire of a young kid not the resolution of an adult. Hence, I continued seeking knowledge from other places. I was basically living to figure out what I wanted to figure out but I was doing everything.

Lol, this post isn’t going as planned as I’m currently working on different projects and it’s a bit distracting. However, that brings me to the main point of this discussion. I realized today that I’ve been allowing short term wins distract a lifestyle. I’ve not been doing more of the things I used to enjoy, I dabbled into several fields of development while trying to understand development as a whole. Along the way, especially with making a few cash, I stopped the generalization and started specializing. Instead of spending time, resources on understanding, research and co, I’ve been spending more time on jobs which is not bad but the excessiveness and lack of growth is alarming.
Someone once said to not mistake motion with growth. Taking a few steps doesn’t mean growing, you can move on an horizontal level without actually ascending at all. Even if you ascend, your rate of growth is another important metric to note.

With this, during the class, I remembered the saying I picked from the movie, “follow excellence and affluence will chase you”. This is really true but because of maybe fear, immediate results, I couldn’t push with the saying I respect the most. Also, distractions everywhere plus instant gratification contribute to the loss of track.

To this and more, I realized I’m lagging behind and it’s not on anyone’s scale but mine. This is to remind myself and inform myself, I’m just a seeker of knowledge, that’s my guide and lamp. Hence, I’ll be pushing all my projects, writing more blogs and building cool shit (language of Jay).
To rediscovering and more!

Pardon the lack of flow, I’m literally typing on two keyboards right now.