Welcome to xpanvictor’s blog site.

Who is xpan

My name is Oladunjoye Victor, called xpan. I’m a full stack web developer using the technologies of MERN stack. Hence, I’m a JS enthusiast. I typically use typescript to enforce type safety in my projects. I’m a student of computer engineering in the prestigious university of Obafemi Awolowo University.


I basically enjoy anything that deserves my curiosity. Fields that I’ve restricted my research are those of STEM.

  • (S)cience: The beauty of nature yet it’s simplicity can always be questioned. I’ve dealt with these questions, and it’s been fun all through.
  • (T)echnology: The application of science is a field that always moves me to understanding what things are and how to make them provide a solution to common problems. With this, programming and other applications has been a big interest which I’ve been exploring for a while now.
  • (E)ngineering: This is a field I’ve not been able to explore well, but I’m hoping to research soon.
  • (M)athematics: This is the language of the universe from me. I really love mathematics as it brings out the thinking and show’s how things connect. The originality of our reasoning can always be questioned from a mathematical standpoint. How do the lines connect?

    Reasoning is complete only when we can relate our findings with mathematical statements: Leonardo Da Vinci’s book of experiments.

What am I doing now?

Technology: This is the field I’m currently putting my time. What I’ve been working on:

  • Arduino: Learning hardware using articles online and some youtube guides.
  • Learning rust: I enjoy the technology of rust and will become a rustacean soon.
  • WebRTC: How we can share our streams and data from a computer directly to another with little or no server is a technology I find fascinating.
  • Operating Systems: Of course, computers are special beings but at the core, one realizes how simple a computer can be. With this, I’m taking my time to understand fully and build my own operating system. Also taking the Nand2Tetris course. This is a preliminary step for me as the final goal is to contribute to Linux.

You can find my projects on GitHub: xpanvictor